List of websites with certain technologies

We scan 250 000 000 domains, identify the technologies behind websites and provide a list of websites with certain technologies. Lists of websites that use WordPress, Drupal, Stripe, Google Analytics, and other popular technologies. If you don't see some specific technology that you need - please let us know.

Technology Type Websites Daily update Updated
Apache Server 5 802 189 21 883 02.05.2024
Bitrix CMS 142 465 41 02.05.2024
Cloudflare Server 7 037 583 33 335 02.05.2024
Drupal CMS 177 216 67 02.05.2024
Facebook ad 2 409 777 2 928 02.05.2024
Google Adsense ad 791 712 477 02.05.2024
Google Analytics analytics 4 294 152 2 508 02.05.2024
Google Tag ad 11 886 699 14 271 02.05.2024
Jimdo CMS 59 158 23 02.05.2024
Joomla CMS 178 529 78 02.05.2024
Laravel Framework 467 994 1 151 02.05.2024
Litespeed Server 2 193 386 8 174 02.05.2024
Livechat CMS 398 550 1 230 02.05.2024
Magento eShop 28 147 103 02.05.2024
Mailchimp business service 184 886 70 02.05.2024
Matomo (Piwik) analytics 81 235 16 18.07.2023
Microsoft IIS Server 375 304 1 314 02.05.2024
Nginx Server 13 688 512 54 743 02.05.2024
Nuxt Framework 75 534 259 02.05.2024
Opencart eShop 67 359 27 02.05.2024
PayPal payments 109 126 27 02.05.2024
PHP Framework 8 196 813 32 182 02.05.2024
Prestashop eShop 70 552 83 02.05.2024
Shopify eShop 4 300 966 5 845 02.05.2024
Sitefinity CMS 4 464 764 1 02.05.2024
Stripe payments 212 032 144 02.05.2024
Typo3 CMS 49 020 6 02.05.2024
Varnish Server 33 358 793 02.05.2024
Wix CMS 4 076 022 2 995 02.05.2024
WooCommerce eShop 1 653 215 1 747 02.05.2024
Wordpress CMS 12 936 127 11 699 02.05.2024
Yandex.Metrika analytics 145 444 1 080 02.05.2024
Zendesk business service 26 393 4 02.05.2024

Data is also available via API.

Domain lists